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- This is a Macintoshª Type 1 PostScriptª font, which means it is compatible
- with PostScriptª printers and/or Adobe Type Managerª. It comes with bitmap
- screen fonts that need to be installed using Font/DA Moverª or Suitcaseª
- (sys 6.x and previous), or directly into the system (sys 7.x and later) PCª
- compatible versions are also available. Check the DTPª forum on
- CompuServeª.
- This font is SHAREWARE! You may use it or give it away, provided that this
- note is attached. You may not sell it, however, and the author retains all
- rights. Commercial distribution is strictly forbidden without express
- permission of the author.
- If you like and/or use this font, a (suggested*) shareware fee of $20
- should be sent to:
- Peter Dako
- Casual Casual
- 698a Queen Street West
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- M6J 1E7
- currently available as of September 22, 1992
- BoneBlack
- BoneBlackItalic
- BoneWhite
- PDChaillot
- Makoto (based on Metropolis)
- DakoNeuland (Upper Case & Small Caps only w/alternate characters - based on
- Koch Neuland)
- Sachiko (based on Koch Antiqua, aka "EVE")
- HuntSpeedball (based on handlettered pen&ink styles as the name implies)
- WoodsyDropCaps (warning: Memory intensive use in very small doses- this one
- breaks the rules!)
- and more...
- * send what you can... no offerings will be turned away!
- PS: Many thanks to my (paying) user base... everybody @ALTSYS
- FONTOGRAPHERª, and Chris Dickman, author of ÒMastering CorelDRAW!Ó,
- PeachPit Press, who distributed one of my fonts with his book and proved
- that people actually do pay shareware fees (at least a part of the time).